Architecture & Planning
The technical-scientific paradigm of our time sees the space as a field to conquer and devises more fragmented, abstract and informal places. The progressive physical and metaphysical separation of the man from its place of origin synthesizes in few words the diagnose of the deteriorated relationship between man and its habitat. The goal and the expectation is first of all to regain consciousness and awareness of places.
The type of work spans from large-scale landscape models to architectural models for presentations and competitions, to furniture and design study models. In over fifteen years of craftsmanship activity, the studio has developed and perfected various techniques such as plaster models made with disposable formwork, territorial models with contour lines or triangulation, hardwood models, and up to complex artistic techniques.
Art & Design
Prototypes or object series are developed in collaboration with other artists and designers. The projects/objects have been published in renowned magazines such as Vogue Uomo, or displayed at exhibitions and events including the Salone del Mobile in Milan.
Architect with a PhD in Architectural Composition from the IUAV University of Venice. Visiting Professor at the Faculty of architecture of the University of Parma in Design and Planning Workshops. Teaches Modelling at the IED European Institute of Design in Venice.
Architecture & Planning
The technical-scientific paradigm of our time sees the space as a field to conquer and devises more fragmented, abstract and informal places. The progressive physical and metaphysical separation of the man from its place of origin synthesizes in few words the diagnose of the deteriorated relationship between man and its habitat. The goal and the expectation is first of all to regain consciousness and awareness of places.
The type of work spans from large-scale landscape models to architectural models for presentations and competitions, to furniture and design study models. In over fifteen years of craftsmanship activity, the studio has developed and perfected various techniques such as plaster models made with disposable formwork, territorial models with contour lines or triangulation, hardwood models, and up to complex artistic techniques.
Art & Design
Prototypes or object series are developed in collaboration with other artists and designers. The projects/objects have been published in renowned magazines such as Vogue Uomo, or displayed at exhibitions and events including the Salone del Mobile in Milan.
Architect with a PhD in Architectural Composition from the IUAV University of Venice. Visiting Professor at the Faculty of architecture of the University of Parma in Design and Planning Workshops. Teaches Modelling at the IED European Institute of Design in Venice.
Architecture & Planning
The technical-scientific paradigm of our time sees the space as a field to conquer and devises more fragmented, abstract and informal places. The progressive physical and metaphysical separation of the man from its place of origin synthesizes in few words the diagnose of the deteriorated relationship between man and its habitat. The goal and the expectation is first of all to regain consciousness and awareness of places.
The type of work spans from large-scale landscape models to architectural models for presentations and competitions, to furniture and design study models. In over fifteen years of craftsmanship activity, the studio has developed and perfected various techniques such as plaster models made with disposable formwork, territorial models with contour lines or triangulation, hardwood models, and up to complex artistic techniques.
Art & Design
Prototypes or object series are developed in collaboration with other artists and designers. The projects/objects have been published in renowned magazines such as Vogue Uomo, or displayed at exhibitions and events including the Salone del Mobile in Milan.
Architect with a PhD in Architectural Composition from the IUAV University of Venice. Visiting Professor at the Faculty of architecture of the University of Parma in Design and Planning Workshops. Teaches Modelling at the IED European Institute of Design in Venice.
Born in San Candido - Val Pusteria in 1969, He studied at Venice and Berlin and graduated at the IUAV University of Venice in 1999.
Then followed six years of study and collaboration with Renato Rizzi in research projects and international competitions such as the Grand Museum of Egypt in Cairo, the Elizabethan Theatre of Gdansk or the Royal Theatre of Copenhagen and teaching collaboration at the IUAV University in Architectural Theory and Techniques and Architectural Design courses. Theory and investigation on how to understand and work with architecture, cities and landscape, combined with the continuous representation in plaster models and in other materials will influence his future activities.
Then followed six years of study and collaboration with Renato Rizzi in research projects and international competitions such as the Grand Museum of Egypt in Cairo, the Elizabethan Theatre of Gdansk or the Royal Theatre of Copenhagen and teaching collaboration at the IUAV University in Architectural Theory and Techniques and Architectural Design courses. Theory and investigation on how to understand and work with architecture, cities and landscape, combined with the continuous representation in plaster models and in other materials will influence his future activities.

- 1990-1999 studies architecture at the IUAV University of Venice and the Technische Universitaet of Berlin.
- 1999 degree in architecture in Venice. Supervisor prof. Renato Rizzi.
- since 2000 member of the Order of Architects of the Bolzano Province.
- 2000-2006 architect in prof. Renato Rizzi's studio.
- 2000-2006 prof. Renato Rizzi's assistant at the IUAV University of Venice in Architectural Theory and Techniques and Architectural Design courses.
- 2006-2009 PhD in Architectural Composition at the IUAV University of Venice.
- since 2010 Visiting Professor at the Architecture Faculty of the University of Parma.
- 2008-2014 AMISTADI//MAYR ARCHITETTI studio with partner Lamberto Amistadi.
- since 2014 KUNO MAYR ARCHITETTO studio.
- Nuove tendenze in architettura, edited by Massimo Fagioli, Quaderni di AION, Aion Edizioni, Florence 2011.
- Techniche di analisi e di composizione, edited by L. Semerani, A. Gallo, G.De Michiel, Il Poligrafo, Padua 2011.
- Figura e sfondo nella costruzione della citta, in Community / architecture, 57 contributi di ricerca internazionale, edited by E. Prandi, FAEdizioni, Parma 2010.
- Nuovi Corsi 2004, didattica della rappresentazione, Quaderni IUAV n.37, Il Poligrafo, Padua 2005.
- L'uomo Vogue, October 2013. Fashion guide fall/winter 1013/14.
- AREA n.63, July/August 2002.
- Wettbewerbe aktuell 8/2003 (Germany), August 2003.
- 1st place "L'immagine urbana di silandro, S2020" competition, Silandro.
- 1st place "The Elizabethan Theatre, Gdansk" competition. Project team with Renato Rizzi.
- 3rd place "The Grand Egyptian Museum" competition, Cairo. Project Team with Renato Rizzi and Massimo Scolari.
- 3rd place "Showroom per la dita Hoeller, Bolzano" competition. Team with EM2 Architetti.
Events & Exhibitions
- 2014 Koncrete Bowtie K1 at the "Fashion Stories Catwalk II" Salon/e Brunico. August 1st.
- 2015 Solo exhibition CONCRETELINES - KUNO MAYR, Ortisei (BZ). November 13/29th. Edited by Michele Drascek, introduction by Carlo Gandolfi.
- 2012 itinerant exhibition "Techniche di analisi a di composizione", thesis projects from cycle XX to XXII.
- HafenCity Universitaet Hamburg.
- Polytechnic of Milan, School of civil architecture.
- Cotonificio - Gino Valle Hall, IUAV University of Venice.
- 8th Architecture Biennale of Venice: "Lonely Leaving", co-author with Renato Rizzi at the exhibition of the "Casa Tabernacolo".
Partners & Collaborators
- prof. Lamberto Amistadi
- MACHINA architetti associati _
- Hstudio grafica e comunicazione _
- EM2 Architekten _
- Brian Rasmussen architect _
- Christoph Gapp _
- Claudia Kaufman architekt Bluestarsystem _
- Daniele Bettin
- Nadia D’Agnone
Have Also Worked With Us
Prof. Carlo Gandolfi, Lorenzo Gondoni, Giuseppe Nagler, Alioscia Mozzato, Marinora Cavasino, Maddalena Gallamini.
Pia Boljuncic, Emanuele Paladin, Sami Sinella, Wolfgang Zingerle, Giancarlo Zampirollo, Anna Merci, Alessandra Cassol, Stefano Tornieri, Ignazio Lambertini, Anne Marie Verheijden, Enrico Manca, Bojana Popovic, Luca Delise, Matteo Tegliatti, Carlotta Penso, Nicola Settimo, Alessandro Baiguera, Marcello Orlandini, Francesco Rioda, Sergio Pauletto, Ilaria Giardiello, Giulia Mazzorin, Michela Cattacin, Bruno Mongiardo, Nera Celava.
C +39 338 8223110
T +39 0474 646409
C +39 338 8223110
T +39 0474 646409